Sometimes known as “baby teeth,” primary teeth do fall out eventually, but caring for them is still important. Primary teeth are integral to proper development, future oral health, and even a good self-image.

Primary teeth require good professional and at-home dental care. Decay is a continuous risk with primary teeth, and the fact that they will fall out does not mitigate this risk. Visit Kids First Dental immediately within the six months of your child’s first primary tooth emerging.

What do primary teeth do?

By about three years old, a majority of children develop all primary teeth. These teeth are capable of doing many things. When healthy, they:

  • Encourage proper chewing
  • Develop speech
  • Promote self-esteem through a beautiful new smile
  • Keep your child’s focus off of pain and on learning
  • Act as guides for permanent teeth

What happens if permanent teeth aren’t properly cared for?

Any teeth, permanent or primary, may develop cavities. Not only can this lead to intense pain, but infections may follow causing advanced tooth decay. This may, in turn, lead to infections, and rapidly lead to an abscess. Immune systems are substantially weaker at a young age, so quick action needs to happen at the very first sign of trouble.

Your dentist may determine that the tooth needs to be extracted. If so, a space maintainer fills the space left by an extraction. Space maintainers prevent your child’s nearby teeth from tilting into the empty space — adjacent teeth shifting leads to orthodontic issues down the road.

Setting an Example

While the development of serious dental health problems is one of the most important reasons to routinely see a dentist, there is another great reason to see a dentist regularly: you’re setting an example for your child. Good hygiene and the importance of dental visit is a learned habit. Make a good impression on your child by taking the lead.

Choosing the Right Dentist for Your Child

While it’s one thing to commit to good dental care, finding the right dentist to provide that great care is hard. Many dentists do not specialize in children and do not treat them as they are: sensitive and in need of patient, soothing, and compassionate care. Kids First Dental does specialize in this type of care. That means we:

  • Accept all adults
  • Speak fluent Spanish
  • Keep your dental care costs low with a loyalty program
  • Offer a promotional $100 cleaning with a full exam and an x-ray
  • Finance with CareCredit

Choosing the right pediatric dentist is a tough choice, and we understand that. That’s why we’re proud to lead our field and treat adults alongside their children, so they experience our level of care firsthand. We apply 10 years in pediatric dentistry to bring you a total solution: oral surgery, endodontics, pediatric, and general dentistry.

Make an Appointment Now

Your family needs your focus, and we get that. So, don’t spend your precious time and energy on inefficient and uncompassionate dental care. Kids First Dental welcomes you with an experienced, low-cost, personalized answer to sympathetic dental needs for your family. But prevention is the best medicine—so book your appointment now, and create the oral health future your family deserves!

864-223-1474 Book an Appointment