Some kids grind their teeth after they have fallen asleep. Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding can lead to various oral issues accompanied by joint pain, headache, and other symptoms. According to our pediatric dentist in Greenwood, teeth grinding is caused by stress: crooked teeth, missing teeth, or an abnormal bite. Mouth guards in children are used to protect your kid’s teeth from trauma and tooth-grinding habits.
Detecting the symptoms of bruxism in its early stages helps with early diagnosis and treatment before the teeth are further damaged. However, mouthguards are not used to treat the clenching and grinding of teeth. They only minimize the pressure and the force the teeth endure at night.
To permanently treat teeth grinding, the kid’s dentist near you will have first to address the underlying cause of bruxism. For example, if a bad bite causes tooth grinding, the dentist will have to recommend orthodontic treatment to align the teeth. Visit us at Kids First Dental for consultation on mouthguards for children.
There are several ways by which one can get a mouthguard for their child, one being purchasing one from their nearest grocery store. Here are three types of mouthguards near you:
Mouth guards will only reduce the impact of teeth grinding on your child’s teeth. The underlying causes have to be addressed for long-term solutions. However, pediatric dentists don’t always recommend mouthguards for children since they can affect the growth and alignment of the kid’s developing teeth. Ways that teeth grinding can be alleviated in children include:
Once your child gets a mouth guard for grinding teeth, you should help them maintain and keep the guard in shape. Ensure they:
Ensure that your child has regular dental check-ups to make sure that the guards are still fitting correctly. They may require new guards, especially if their new teeth are coming in.
Tooth grinding is standard in kids as their teeth are growing in. Grinding may lead to complications such as chipping and enamel wear. If you suspect your child is grinding their teeth at night, connect with our pediatric dentist, Dr. John Patangan. The dentist will examine the damage and provide mouthguards to protect your child’s teeth.